March 20-24, 2013
The Nature Valley U.S. Alpine National Championships will return to Squaw Valley Resort for five days
of elite ski racing. U.S. Ski Team President and CEO Bill Marolt said, “Squaw Valley is an amazing
example of how the longtime legacy of ski racing has fostered a culture that continues to motivate
great athletes today. Our U.S. Ski Team athletes, and USSA clubs from around the country will find
Squaw Valley to be an amazing host with a world class venue and depth of experience to produce a
great championships.”
Over 250 National club athletes compete against the U.S. National Team to identify both a National
Champion and tomorrow’s talent. Squaw Valley’s very own athletes competing in the Nationals include:
Julia Mancuso, Marco Sullivan, Travis Ganong, Bryce Bennett, Nick Daniels and Foreste Peterson.
For more information regarding event schedules and times, the US National Hospitality Package, or donations, please click on the link below.
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